EuCW CW Operating Hints
CW QSO in various languages
Language versions of the operating hints:
Last update
These languages are primary languages of member clubs:
BG Bulgarian/Български
- no volunteers found yet
CZ Czech/
- no volunteers found yet
DE German/Deutsch
compiled by DL1GBZ
EL Greek/
- no volunteers found yet
EN English
- compiled by G4FAD and DL1GBZ
ES Spanish/Castellano
- compiled by LU6EF
FI Finnish/Suomi
- compiled by OH7QR
FR French/Français
- compiled by F6ENO
HU Hungarian/Magyar
- no volunteers found yet
HR Croatian/Hrvatski -
no volunteers found yet
IT Italian/Italiano
- compiled by I5SKK
MK Macedonian/Mакедонски
- no volunteers found yet
NL Dutch/Nederlands
- no volunteers found yet
PL Polish/Polski
- no volunteers found yet
PT Portuguese/Português
- no volunteers found yet
RU Russian/Русский
- compiled by UA9BA
SV Swedish/Svenska
- compiled by SM6LRR
UA Ukranian/Українська
- no volunteers found yet
Other languages
EO Esperanto
compiled by DL1GBZ
Instructions for volunteers
Important - This is not a request for translations.
All texts must be written in the original language. It does not make sense
to explain in English how to run a QSO e.g. in Russian.
This means you can volunteer even if you hardly speak any English.
Format: Do not use particular templates for this collection, neither
do we add the logo of EuCW to the QSO texts. Use plain html text.
Consider that all texts on eucw.org are in the public domain.
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