GTC: Greek Telegraphy Club

The letter below was distributed in the CW community in order to introduce this club.


                       G R E E K    C W    C L U B
                                 (SV-CW-C)              (Since 1998)

                               a EuCW member

                        HELLINIKI LESHI TILEGRAFIAS

                  **   OBJECTIVES STATUTES and RULES  **

Athens, November 3rd 1998
Dear Morse Code friends World Wide ...

The Greek Telegraphy Club was formed in October 1998, as an
independent Hellenic club, and wants to accomplish:

To further the use of Morse Code on the ham radio bands,to encourage
newcomers to the CW mode,and to foster and maintain friendship among
radio telegraphers.
GTC is also a strong influence against efforts to eradicate CW as a
mode of radio amateur communications.

Before to make any decision to form up, a CW club in our country,we
were watching for years actions of similar aiming groups and organi
zations in Europe and elsewhere, and finally we did it, in order to
support and share the common effort for the promotion, protection,  
and defence of Morse Code, especially under the current conditions.

Here in SV-land, the majority of hams is still far away from 
thoughts about the non use of code during the ham exams, but as
times change rapidly,we wish to make ourselves strong enough to   
fight against any present and future threat of our beloved CW code.

Beside Greece even a small country, has a very large number of well
experienced CW operators, who they have been for years at sea as 
wireless officers,serving merchant navy, which still remain one
of the biggest fleets in the world even to our days.

Today many of them are radio amateurs, and act as CW operators
on the ham bands, hitting the airwaves, having great fun while 
work on their favorit mode.
Fortunately for us, there is also a large number of young newcomers,
who feel in love with morse code. We consider, this is a very deep
duty for all us the olders, to keep this people in a continue touch
with CW, as the fundamendal thing in the world of Amateur Radio.

In a meeting we have had some days ago,we discussed about some
issues regarding to awards, contests, web site building, etc,and
now we're in position to say that soon, many of these topics will 
find a good way.

At the present time, as a new "sister club", we will be too close 
in events which become from the EuCW Clubs, (i.e. contests etc), 
doing our best for the success of all those happenings.

We also desire to establish good relations including a honest and
open collaboration, and close links, between GTC (SV-CW-C), and 
major EU CW groups as, Deutscher Telegraphy Club e.V (DL-CW-C),
Activity Group Telegrafie e.V. (AGCW-DL), FISTS, Union Francaise
Telegrafie (UFT),Italian Telegraphy Club and others, wishing to
enhance and push forward,common promotion of our aims.

GTC represents the interests of Morse Telegraphy in Greece,via
its cooperation with RAAG, (Radio Amateur Assn of Greece),
and all other already existing, smaller SV clubs too.

Our Club profile is very simple. We're an independent organization,
which promotes exclusively the CW interests in the Amateur Radio
Radio Service.
We accept Greek radio amateurs who they like to join,and for that,
their word of honour that they agree with our statutes and aims,
is enough for us. 

GTC recognizes that there are many whose interests on this state 
of art mode,are just as deep, and invite them to inquire about 
their membership into the club forces.
The same exactly is in issue for foreign people who like to enter.
No any fee is required for the foreigners. Membership is completely
free of any charge.

The officers of the club are all the founding members, a number 
which consists of twenty two people. However, for most flexible 
operation of the club, an executive council is in progress.

73, de Yorgos SV1NA          (on behalf of executive council GTC)
                                            sv1na (at)

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