Club for ex-professionals from the Marine corps.
This is just some cited text from the official INORC Website:
I.N.O.R.C. M E M B E R S
The I.N.O.R.C. is composed by three categories : Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members.
The Ordinary Members are those who used to be or still are on dutyin the Navy or in the Merchant Navy, or anyway in the telecommunications field, licence as Radioamateur and/or SWL and clever in telegraphy.
The Associate Members are those who works or used to work to work in telecommunications, helping the diffusion of CW and holding licence as Radioamateur and/or SWL and also clever in telegraphy.
The Honorary Members are those who, due to their status or their scientific merits coming from telecommunications, bring prestige to the Club; Honorary Members hare also all INORC ex-President.