Results QRS-W 2024 (Apr 29 through May 3)

Participants Class RBN-100W
c/s      spots  Remarks
F4GOP     3704  Gold
DK0AG     1873  (*)
SM7BUA    1688  Silver
DL4GCR    1285  Bronze
OE3KAB     909
OE3KME     271
PG4I       256
OE5WEO     226
DL1DXL     155
OH7QR      148
DJ4RAM     108
DL7KU       79
SM6LRR      32
DH1TL       18
DM3SUE      13
DO7IW        4
                The spot count was filtered
                by speed 

Participants Class RBN-5W
c/s      spots
DJ6UX      653  Gold
G4DNP      504  Silver
DL7HH      263  Bronze
OE6GWG     259  
DH5NN      179
DL0AGC      37  (*)
                The spot count was filtered
                by speed 

Participants Class A - 100W RF
c/s     QSO   sub  Remarks
CT1DGH    1   0.0
DH1TL     7   0.0
DJ4RAM    9   0.2
DK0AG    81        (*)
DL1DXL   11   0.4
DL4GCR   26   1.2  Bronze
DL7KU     6   0.0
DO7IW     1   0.0
DM3SUE    3   0.0
F4GOP    36   2.2  Silver
M5ABN     5   1.0
OE3KAB   19   0.8
OE3KME   12   0.0
OE5WEO   10   0.2
OH7QR    15   0.2
PG4I      9   0.4
SM6LRR    9   0.0
SM7BUA   57   3.4  Gold 

Participants Class B - 5W RF
c/s     QSO   sub  Remarks
DH5NN     7   0.4
DJ6UX    24   0.0  Silver 
DL0AGC   11        (*)
DL7HH     4   0.0
G4DNP     8   0.0  Bronze
OE1DVD    3   0.2
OE1MOJ    2   0.0
OE1YRF    2   0.0
OE6GWG   55   0.0  Gold

-0.2 for missing or misspelt detail
-0.4 for misspelt call sign
-1   for missing the 5 minute rule
-1   penalty if a call book detail
     is logged while on-air detail
     is different. 
(*) AGCW Club stations (excluded from individual ranking)

Penalties: Only two penalties were given. Two individuals logged a club
station and missed its location. This would have cost them a 0.2 pt
reduction. However, these guys looked up this club station and found
the trustee's data, of course. The station QTH and the trustee QTH were
475 km apart. The penalty was 1.0 pt. Luckily, these guys did copy the
operator's name correctly, otherwise, the penalty would have been 2

Good News: The number of non-plausible entries for names and location
stopped rising. These are often caused by autofills in certain logging
software. If you log Stutgart instead of Stuttgart the reduction will
be 0.2. If you write "67460 Souffelweyersheim (Bas-Rhin)" the loss
will be the same because it is not plausible that anyone will tell
you the postal code on air, especially if all others copied "QTH NR
STRASBURG". Of course, variants like "NR STRASBOURG", "NR STRASSBURG"
are acceptable, as well. Please check your ADIF files in order to avoid
non-plausible data. Likewise, a name like "Prof. Dr. rer. nat. S.
Cleverle" will be considered non-plausible. A little guesswork is OK
but do not trust c/s directories, especially not if it's a club station
like dl0bb, f6kph, gx0ipx, gs0ayr, ha7klj, iq3ed, oe9xrv, oh6ad, ok1kfb,
pi4srs, rk3nwa, sp3pgz, .... Stay safe and log only what you hear on air
or have the courage to omit what you miss. If an item is garbled because
ADIF does not tolerate accents or umlauts you will not suffer any point

Participants Class C - SWL
OE1YRF   8  SWL Gold

Club Competition
Pts Club
240 AGCW    Club Award
138 OECWG  
 70 SCAG
 11 NTC
 11 FOC
  1 GPCW

DJ6UX   20   MRM Award

Soapbox: There were few comments, most were personal, some explained why
they had little time, others made reference to poor condx, again others
told that it is very hard to nominate candidates for MRM. It's true but
we keep it as a tradition, and we congratulate OE6GWG for his excellent
achievement in several classes. His results show that even a QRP station
can play an important role in the QRS-Week.

The club winners have more in store for those who like slow Morse code,
weekly meetings on 80m

Germany (DL0SLW for AGCW)


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