A big thanks to the EUCW community for the best QRS Week in
history. 36 logs were received and the logs were in very good
quality. A special thanks also to our software author G3ZOD who
keeps on supporting the QRSW in his FISTS log converter.
Participants Class A - 100W RF
c/s QSO Err
2E0DPH 21 0.0
2E0ELM 6 0.0
DH1AHL 10 0.2
DJ4RAM 4 0.0
DK0MN 6 0.2
DK3YD 8 0.4
DL1AH 3 0.0
DL1BUG 19 0.0
DL1DXL 16 0.0
DL2FCA 100 1.4 Award Winner
DL6RAI 4 0.4
F4GYM 8 1.2
G0EML 90 3.2 Award Winner
G0ILN 13 1.0
G3XVL 26 0.0
G4ILW 5 0.0
G4LHI 85 0.0 Award Winner
I5ECW 33 0.2
I5EFO 4 0.0
IK2RMZ Check Log
M0DRK 41 0.0
M0PNA 2 0.0
M5ABN 20 0.2
OE3KAB 52 0.4
OE6GWG 27 0.0
OH7QR 28 0.0
ON5BIP 4 0.0
SV2BBK 10 0.2
Participants Class B - 5W RF
c/s QSO Err
DJ6UX 40 0.0 Award Winner
DM4RW 12 0.0
G0POT 16 0.0
G3JRH 18 0.2 Award Winner
M6MEN 22 0.0 Award Winner
ON7DQ 4 0.2
PA0WDW 12 0.2
RW3AI 4 0.0
Err count:
Missing or misspelt QTH, Name, or RST were given a penalty of
0.2. Misspelt call signs were given a penalty of 0.4 points. The
underlying idea is that any QSO is better than no qso. We
are not interested in scores or rankings since this is not a
contest. Otherwise we would have calculated the scores with the
formula: Score = QSO - Err
AGCW 284
BQC 30
FOC 19
GTC 10
Any participant declaring a club dedicates points to this club
according to the formula: 100 x QSO points / QSO points of the
class winner. A class winner contributes 100 points to his
club. Traditionally, FISTS scores best, just as last year, and
the two years before.
Most Readable Morse award
DL2FCA 255 Award Winner
G4LHI 197
M6MEN 152
M0DRK 149
M5ABN 137
I5ECW 100
The MRM score is the sum of the QSO points of the declaring
stations. If you have 23 qso points and declare station A in your
MRM list, station A will receive 23 MRM points. This makes sense
because those who work more stations can judge the operation
qualities of a station with more competence. At least this is
the theory, in practice, the bonus points are usually given to
friends :-)
RBN Award
As a counterpoise to the arbitrary character of the MRM award,
the RBN award counts simply the number of entries in the Reverse
Beacon Network during the QRS Week. RBN entries over 15 wpm were
discarded though.
G0EML had 1014 RBN entries during the QRSW. He was the one and
only station with over 1000 entries. Well done Ray!
At the bottom line, the number of RBN entries is the most
important indicator for a good spirit. A high RBN count means to
be readable and to be available for newcomers to practice slow
I thoroughly enjoyed myself.Only two contacts were QRO.All
other contacts were 5 Watts.Conditions were not very good and
a lot of the regulars seemed to be missing.
... was absolutely not QRS and didn't feel the need to slow down
to match my speed! What a brilliant week...lots of new(ish) and
very nervous fists worked including a first CW QSO for M3HXE. I
know (via Twitter) that many new Ops also enjoyed listening in to
QRS QSOs even if they didn't join in. It was great to work Robert
(DM4RW) as I love S&L. Wish this event happened twice a year ;o)
First time I've entered, very much enjoyed the week.
Good fun, enjoyed the event.
I enjoyed this event as usual, but was very disappointed with
the lack of activity from some Fists Members & other EUCW Clubs
that were always so active on this event in past years.Also
the very poor band conditions did not help. It must be very
disappointing for those who organize this & other CW events,
that there seems to be a lack of interest. WHY?
Many thanks for being the host for 2016 EUCW QRS Week, and good
to have a nice QSO with you on the firstday. As I am on radio
at random times during the day, there were many friends that I
did not meet this year, but thanks to all stations for giving
me points. I was not sure about working some stations a number
of times on the same day, but on different bands. However the
logging programme did accept them all.
Great fun as always, and hope this week encourages new ops to
have a go at the best mode.
Viele QSO sind es nicht geworden aber es hat Spass gemacht.
... Die Aktivität hat mir viel Spass gemacht und ich habe auch
einige neue Freunde getroffen. Danke und 73!
My first attempt at this ... hope to make more QSO's next time !
Response to some comments:
To M0DRK: multiple contacts with the same station on the same
day but on different bands are ok. If it were not so the FISTS
converter software would reject the contacts. However, a practice
of band hopping with subsequent QSOs with the same station over many
bands is not really recommended even though this may boost the score.
To G4LHI: it is the nature of many such activities that they
will never become mass events. The rules of events like FISTS
ladders, EUCW Snakes and Ladders, SCAG Straight Key Day, and many
others look a bit as if they were contests. But they are not, and
contesters avoid them because they tend to avoid anything which
does not fit into standard contest software. Non contesters do
hardly ever check out such rules because they cannot imagine that
CW orgs have better ideas than organizing a contest. Knowing this
most activity managers are happy with every incoming log. This
year I am happier than ever since the logs were more than usual.
To G0POT: yes, some stations do not wish to slow down, even
if they should. In the QRSW most QSOs are between genuine
participants and non-participants who have no idea about the
QRSW rules. It is good practice not to work at excessive speeds,
however, the CW population is aging and many elderly can still
copy at high speeds while they prefer to send slowly. This means
that the old rule that both stations should use the same speed
is slowly softening.
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