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Thanks to all the participants. As usual, we underline that this is not a contest. Our criterion to support this claim is that the qsos in this event do not follow any special format. They are normal qsos just as any other qso on the air. As host of this event I know that many if not most of the qsos of our participants are with qso partners that do not send in a log.
What makes this event special is the speed. By speed we mean effective speed. All qsos must be 14 WpM or slower. In fact a real-life newcomer should be served by 10 WpM rather than 14 WpM. Personally I would not recommend to send any symbol over the air at less than 12 WpM. If this is too fast, it is better to increase the spacing between symbols (Farnsworth method). We do not know whether or not the Reverse beacon system takes Farnsworth speeds into the account, nevertheless, the Reverse beacon system is an important source of information in this exercise.
Of course, all those who rely on slow speeds on the air are the real winners.
Since the real newcomers usually do not send in logs we rely on the pool of experienced operator. We do have our MRM award and the participants vote for the best operator. Of course, the reasons why we vote for the best operators are manifold. Our decision may depend on the beauty of the fist and of the social networks we are a part of. The winners of past years were all fine operators and we continue with the good MRM tradition. However, this year I would also like to underline the fact that this event stands and falls with the CQ CALLERS. Newcomers are shy when it comes to cq calling, they fear that somebody could come back with light speed. One of or comments identifies this problem in very clear words. While the analysis of RBN data may be controversial in some cases but all agree that they detect CQ calls very well. This is why I would like to give a special thanks to those who had the patience to call a lot of CQ.
These stations have more then 100 Reverse beacon counts during the QRS Week in Europe.
# C/S 234 RY3AAA 125 HB9LAG/QRP
1116 G0EML 204 RW3AI 123 IZ1FCF
779 SM3DBU 202 IW9HKM 122 M1EDF
729 ON3BM 190 OH7QR 122 EA5UM
711 DJ1DD 189 S58Q 118 ON3RSK
598 DJ6UX 188 M6HGT 117 2E0JCY
468 OE3KAB 187 HB9AXG 114 IZ7AVY
454 IK1PJL 186 OK1AJZ 113 G0POT
374 DJ3GS 177 G3ASG 112 SM4CJY
371 F8APH 174 IK3TYB 112 F8WBD
307 DL1DXL 174 DL1SXB 110 OH3GE
306 DK2QX 167 G4SMN 109 SP5QWO
278 G4LNA 157 HB90IARU 109 DL4AH
277 IZ4GSC 150 DF7ZB 108 UY3IK
272 DG3BCZ 142 HA5AEK/P 108 G0NXY
258 G4KLE 141 LA1FX 107 HB9BWY
249 PA0EHA 138 DK5KE 105 IK1LJG
239 G0EKP 134 GM4NNC 104 TM4JD
The SPECIAL CQ COUNT AWARDs go to G0EML as best participant in the A (100W) category and to DJ6UX as best participant in the B (qrp) category.
This class was more active than usual.
QSO Pnts c/s Club Award
12 12.0 2E0EML FISTS
12 12.0 2E0JCY FISTS
15 6.0 DF9EU nm
16 16.0 DK5KE EHSC
27 27.0 DL1DXL AGCW
30 30.0 DL1HBL AGCW
42 42.0 DL2FCA AGCW
06 5.6 F/M0ZSM FISTS
96 92.0 G0EML FISTS 15A1
40 39.6 G0ILN FISTS
15 15.0 G0POT FISTS
01 1.0 G3ZOD FISTS
64 63.4 G4KLE FISTS 15A3
73 71.8 G4LHI FISTS 15A2
16 15.6 G7AGI nm
46 46.0 M0DRK FISTS
15 15.0 M5ABN FISTS
30 30.0 OE3KAB OECWG
24 24.0 OE6GWG OECWG
38 37.8 OH7QR FISTS
16 15.6 ON5BIP nm
Checklog: IK2RMZ AGCW
40 39.8 2E0DPH FISTS 15B2
44 43.8 DJ6UX AGCW 15B1
24 24.0 DK5OE AGCW
37 37.0 G3JFS FISTS 15B3
09 9.0 RW3AI RUQRP
Good to see that SWLing is still alive. The high score is due to the different counting system. We do not count QSOs but the total number of details copied by the SWL.
Cl Cfmd
107 107 DE5JLN AGCW 15C3
This is without suprise, for several years in a row FISTS remains unbeaten. This year half of all logs were from FISTS. Don't we have more clubs in the EUCW?
452 AGCW
611 FISTS 15E1
This is not a one man one vote system. It is a one qso one vote system. Those who have more qsos contact more stations and their opinion is more important than those who have heard only a few op.
G0EML 248 15M1
OH7QR 225
2E0EML 193
M5ABN 178
2E0DPH 134
G4LHI 132
DK5OE 120
M0DRK 104
We have a triple award winner: Ray, G0EML, from the county of Shropshire. Congratulations to him and all other award winners and participants.
To my delight most active participants were using the FISTS Log converter. These logs were almost always absolutely perfect. This means that I can calculate MRM points and club scores without editing anything. A big thanks to Graham, G3ZOD, for his ongoing software support. I learned the following from him:
The ADIF format is specified as US-ASCII. This means that any accent marks, umlauts, or special characters you may write in your log will NOT make it into your ADIF files. And if they do Graham's software will replace these symbols by question marks. Please log places and names using a near ASCII representation. Write Rene instead of René and write Luebeck instead of Lübeck.
For a very good reason Graham allows partial qso data. It is ok if you omit a name or qth if you did not copy it during the qso. However, some loggers do produce poor file exports. Believe it or not, Graham expects a qth to be tagged as qth and he expects a name to be tagged as name. If a logging program tags them as remarks, serial number, or whatever you will end up in a log without any names and without any qth. We had two such cases, one managed to correct the log, the other didn't.
Many modern logging programs fill out the logs automatically using a log book source. What ends up in the logs are qth entries which would hardly ever make it via the air. Many if not most logs contained monster qths like Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Capriano del Colle, Oberhausen/Bayern, Sankt Marein/Mzt, Balaton-Felvideki. Of course, there is nothing wrong with modern tools and you are welcome to use them, the QRS-W is not a competition but an event to support newcomers. I make an effort to correct spelling errors in logs in order to give newcomers a chance to do better next time. Of course, this makes little sense if the data are from the callbook.
Fairness: There are no complaints, there are no crosscheck mismatches. In one case, somebody logged a QTH which was not the station QTH but the QTH of the trustee. This means he must have taken the info from the callbook instead of listening on the air. However, this has not necessarily been done in bad faith because those super smart logging programs do such kind of things by default and a distracted operator may have not noticed it. A small minority of participants indulged in band hopping excessively. This is their good pleasure and it is in compliance with the rules but it does not help anybody looking for a qrs signal.
Work still getting in the way, giving me hardly anytime for this activity, I hope it has been well supported again. 73 Phil
A bit of a mixed entry. QRP where I could but when the going got tough I upped the power. I really thought this year that I was helping new or returning CW operators. Most satisfying. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Richard
I was mostly QRP but turned up the power for three QSOs to 20W to make reception easier for the other Op. It was great to hear so much QRS cw and to see so many Ops calling at 10 - 14wpm on RBN. I was disappointed how often my 12-13wpm call received a 16-18wpm response... some Ops just don't seem to be able to turn down the speed. I'd like to highlight F/M0ZSM who only had his first CW QSO in the week before for braving it and venturing onto the air...he was really chuffed with the QRS Ops. Michael
During the week I made lots of cq calls on the qrs and qrp frequencies but had few replies and worked very few EUCW QRS participants. Although conditions were generally poor I was reported many times on the RBN so the problem was low activity at the times I was on. Incidentally, I do not know how the RBN measures speed but no matter how slowly I tried to send it always told me I was sending at 15+ wpm. Maybe it does not recognise Farnsworth spacing which is the only sensible way to send morse below about 15 wpm.
A Great 2015 QRS Week, had great fun working some very good slow CW Op's, It is nice to slow your Fist CW down once in a while to help others and improve your own CW... Thank you for the Event. Merv
I enjoyed this event as usual, but was very disappointed with the lack of activity from some Fists Members & other EUCW Clubs that were always so active on this event in past years. It must be very disappointing for those who organize this & other CW events, that there seems to be a lack of interest. WHY? Peter
Very pleased to have you in my log this year. Had some great QSOs and met some very new to me operators. As you can see, some operators liked QSOs every day and on more than one band, hi. A most enjoyable five days of cw. Look forward to next EUQRS WEEK, thank you for your hard work in running this event and hope that you have many logs to check this year. Take care Martin and 73 for now, Derek
unfortunately could not participate on Wed, Thurs and Fri. Thanks much for organising the QRS week. Very useful and enjoyable
Hat mir viel Spass gemacht, freue mich schon auf das nächste Jahr!
Die Teilnahme war gering, Die meisten QSOs sind mit Stationen, die an der Aktivität nicht teilgenommen haben, HI. Vielen Dank und ich hoffe AWDH. 73 Erkki
Last but not least an excerpt of the paper logs:
some very nice qrs operating this year but of course you have stations calling you at a very fast speed who were not in the EUCW QRS party pushing you. Lots of stations just calling over you cause they think if you're QRS you can't do CW very well.
As a newly licensed operator (1 yr) and a very new CW op I found the EUCW QRS week extremely worthwhile ans had helped greatly in improving my confidence and ability to make accurate copy. Listening to qrs transmissions I felt as important as attempting qsos. The week was so useful that I feel that many more of them should be scheduled throughout the year and therefore may encourage more people to take the plunge into Morse as it did for me. So in summary: Thanks for the opportunity to commence my cw adventures and make a plea for MORE OF THE SAME please. Best 73, Steve
Excellent finish Steve. At last we hear an encouragement of one of those whom we really want to reach with the QRS week.
73 de QRS-W admin