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Participants Class A - 100W RF c/s QSO Err Award Number DD7NT 15 0.2 DK5OE 19 0.4 DL1DXL 16 0.0 G0EML 108 2.4 141a G3ZOD 2 0.0 G4LHI 78 2.4 142a IK2RMZ Checklog M0DAG 4 0.2 M0DRK 38 0.6 143a OH7QR 29 0.0 Participants Class B - 5W RF c/s QSO Err Awa 2E0DPH 46 1.8 DH0DK 9 0.4 DJ6UX 83 0.6 141b DL0GER 75 0.2 142b G0ILN 26 0.6 G4KLE 72 1.0 143b RW3AI 60 0.8 Errors are calculated like this: a missing, wrong, misspelled qth, name, or rst counts 0.2 points. A wrong call counts 0.4 points. This is purely informative because a fair comparison is not possible. Some if not most use 3rd party data sources to retrieve qths and names. Some log directly into a PC, others copy manually. Some are good spellers, others show dyslexic tendencies in their logs. Club Participation Pts Club Awa Team mbrs 296 AGCW DK5OE DL1DXL IK2RMZ OH7QR DJ6UX DL0GER/DF7IS 397 FISTS 141c G0EML G3ZOD G4LHI M0DAG M0DRK 2E0DPH DH0DK G0ILN G4KLE 072 RUQRP RW3AI Club scores are calculated like this: A club receives 100 points if the winner of a class dedicates his participation to this club. If a participant has 33 percent of the winning score in his class his club gets 33 points. Most Popular Participant Award (MRM) G0EML 141m REVERSE BEACON ANALYSIS Who was on air during the QRS WEEK? This is the list of stations who were actually audible at speeds below 15 words per minute in Europe. Ordered by number of spots. Over 150 RBN spots at QRS speed RW3AI DJ6UX ED5URL G0EML IK2RMZ DL0GER IZ4GSC G4ZCW DF7ZB DJ3GS DJ7MH IK7LYA SM4CJY SM3DBU GW3SRM RN6LOZ DL4ISX OH7QR OK1AJZ OS14M OH5FNI F4FGB G0JRM RV6HEG HB9DWM DL7AJT IT9QAU EA7TS DK2QX IT9FGH EW7BW ON6HZ RK3DCB HB9AXG PD0HRS M0KCP Over 100 RBN spots at QRS speed F6AGQ EA5HEH IZ5QVV DK1MR G0NXA DL7CF OH6EFH DL0WFH G0EGA EA1BCS OZ1FFZ SM7ERE OK2PBF GA3KHH DD7NT DH1LM I5BMQ F5LIZ IK5NFI EA1BOT OZ6KS GM3SIG EA3NO DL1DXL I2FAE HA5AVQ GS3PYE/P IZ5OVP EA5FXN OZ8AE RA3AVY ON4EM/P EI6AK Over 50 RBN spots at QRS speed G3XFD F5BSX IZ1MLY PA0EHA G0WWH F6CYK SP3DGV IN3RAY G3ASG DC3WG RZ6ABB OM4SX IK0IXI/P IZ1ASM/QRP G4GDR IZ8LLH EA5AIO M0VVC SP5BB OE6PKF EA3DD IZ0WME I3UKY IK1LJG DM3YBN GM3KHH DL2ARL IZ3ZTX DL/SP3CW OH3GE EA4BVT IT9PPG DK7XG US5HE RK3ZE IZ0UIN IK8VHP I3BHE OZ0JX RU3QM OH6AD DH3JZ OS19M MM3YFT IZ4RSC F5PON G4LNA DL5OAV M0JZH IN3LOY DJ7TZ Z32LM SM5MEK SM2FIJ SQ6SEC R7GD IZ3TXM DF9DU IT9ULN EA4ASC DF4EW PA0EBM LA4BP DL1NFF YU1VDG SM5LNS IZ3NWT G4SMN EA4GMX SM3EZK DL7JMJ PD0GAN F6FLH DL6YR DL0IL DF4EW/MM Which were the CQ speeds of our participants? C/S RBNs Average Speed 2e0dph 29 13.5 dd7nt 134 14.1 dh0dk 98 15.9 dj6ux 1184 14.1 dk5oe 1 18.0 dl0ger 1225 16.8 dl1dxl 120 14.4 g0eml 1030 14.2 g0iln 10 14.2 g4kle 907 18.5 g4lhi 54 16.7 ik2rmz 747 14.2 m0dag 9 14.8 oh7qr 496 15.7 rw3ai 2767 17.2 Do not misread this. A high average does not mean that the QRSW qsos were performed at excessive speed. It may also mean that some dedicated only part of their activity to the QRS week. However, it is true that it is quite difficult to maintain the QRS speed. The main reason for this is fatigue and inertia. It is so easy to fall back to usual operating speeds, especially when using manual keys. Random selection of comments from participants Dean: Thank you for the QRS week activity. I have never had a real CW QSO before this week so only a few contacts this year but enjoyed it greatly just wish there had been more ops on when and where I was listening. Now back to practice to increase my speed! Mervyn: A Great QRS Week, had great fun working some very good slow CW Op's, It is nice to slow your Fist CW down once in a while to help others and improve your own CW... Thank you for the Event. Richard: Had a great time and discovered the QRS frequencies that I had not paid any attention to before. Peter: I enjoyed this event as usual, but was very disappointed with the lack of activity from some Fists Members & other EUCW Clubs that were always so active on this event in past years. It must be very disappointing for those who organize this & other CW events, that there seems to be a lack of interest. WHY? 73, Martin, QRS-W adminPrivacy Policy