|  CLASS   |     A      |     2007      |
|   CALL   |   QOS's    |     CLUB      |
|  IK2RMZ  |    114     |     AGCW      |
|  G4LHI   |     98     |     FISTS     |
|  G0EML   |     64     |     FISTS     |
|  G4NCU   |     52     |     FISTS     |
|  M0DRK   |     32     |     FISTS     |
|  PA0CLQ  |     24     |    SP-CW-C    |
|  M5ABN   |     22     |     FISTS     |
|  G0GSY   |     12     |     FISTS     |
|  PA3AFF  |     11     |      HSC      |
|  OH7QR   |     7      |     FISTS     |
|  DL1HW   |     5      |  ###########  |
|  LZ2FM   |     5      |  ###########  |

Lets take a look at the Class B section.

| CLASS  |    B     |    2007     |
|  CALL  |  QSO's   |    CLUB     |
| G3JFS  |   115    |    FISTS    |
| PA0ATG |    16    |   BEN-QRP   |
| HB9DEO |    10    |     HTC     |

Just Three entrants in the class B section. Congratulations to Peter, G3JFS for
an exceptional score! taking a look at the tables, his score has bettered the
QRO section by just one QSO. Your decision to "Go low" Was a good choice Peter,
but you'd have came on top if you'd decided to go QRO! (Hi). Congratulations
also to Adriaan, PA0ATG for second place, Adriaan also made second place last
year in the class B section. And of course congratulations to Robi, HB9DEO for
third place.

The Class C section had just one log, congratulations to Ullmar, SM5-1252 for
taking time to send in a receiving station log. Always a pleasure to receive
them (No pun intended)

|  RS No   | QSO's |  CLUB  |
| SM5-1252 |  27   | ###### |

The votes for the most readable Morse proved interesting! Sadly members votes
were given to amateurs who didn't send in a log. Lets hope that these amateurs
will submit a log next year.

Congratulations to the award recipients, who are;

Class A
1st IK2RMZ
2nd G4LHI
3rd G0EML

Class B
1st G3JFS
2nd PA0ATG
3rd HB9DEO

Class C

"Most Readable Morse Award"

Shared Awards go to;

I have decided, in my capacity of EuCW/FISTS QRS coordinator to recognise our
colleague who decided to use the event to take his first tentative steps with
CW "On air" In the form of a Newcomers award. Which I shall now offer each
year. So congratulations to Harald, DL1HW. His first on air CW QSO was with
DL2FCA, his Second with G4XPE, and third with FISTS member G0LWI.
Congratulations Harald, welcome to the wonderful world of CW! I hope you'll
listen for DL1HW on air and give him your support and encouragement in the

I'd like to add just one more thing regarding "QRS". The phrase QRS, is an
ambiguous phrase. But we like to think of it as around 12wpm or less. (EuCW/
FISTS QRS Party rules state a maximum of 14wpm) I hope that participants will
consider this when entering next year, even if their "CQ QRS" calls are
answered by someone who obviously doesn't understand the phrase QRS and romps
along at a speedy pace. Keep to QRS sending, don't match the other op's sending
speed. Lets keep the spirit of the QRS Party week alive!


Robert. M0BPT.
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