Clubs declared dormant after 2012
Belgian Telegraphy Club
BTC is QRT/inactive (tnx info ON7SS June 2013)
HCC (Spain)
Hispania CW Club
is QRT/inactive for many years according to EA1FAI who
attempted a revival after the s.k. of founder EA3DOS.
OH Telegraphy Club
OHTC is QRT/inactive (tnx info OH6LBW June 2013)
RTC (Germany)
Radio Telegraphy Club e.V. - RTC
is inactive since 2016. The club was founded in the former
YLCWG (Germany)
YLCWG Young Ladies CW Group
is temporarily inactive since 2016. A later revival is not excluded.
CTCW (Portugal)
CT CW Club
QRT since 2018, overridden by GPCW. The former ECM of the club
became ECM of the new club.
EACW (Spain)
EA-CW Club
Generic CW club
No news from this club for several years. Unlisted in 2018.
3A-CWG (Monaco)
Groupe Monégasque de Télégraphie
Generic CW club
Not active any more. Declared dormant by its founder 3A2LF in 2018.
LZCWC (Bulgaria)
LZ CW Club - Contest group
CW contest club
Lost contact, ECM deceased. Unlisted on 2019/01/31.
9A-CWG (Croatia)
9A CW Group
QRQ club, min. speed 150
Lost contact for over 2 years. Unlisted on 2019/06/10.
EA-QRP-C (Spain)
QRP club
Lost contact for over 2 years. Unlisted on 2019/06/10.
FORMER associated clubs
Clube de CW Aguias do Sul
No news from CWAS for several years.
QRP Amateur Radio Club International
QRP club
No news from QRP-ARCI for years.
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