AGCW-DL Semi Automatic Key evening I. Objective Activation of the semi-automatic keys (Bugs). All radio amateurs are invited to populate the 80m band with the distinctive sound of their bugs. II. Dates/Times Third Wednesday in February and October from 1900 to 2030 UTC. III. Frequencies 3510 - 3560 kHz IV. Operation Only CW (A1A). Only semi-automatic keys (Bugs) are allowed. CALL: CQ BUG Both call signs have to be sent at the start of a QSO. Example: DL1ABC de DL9XYZ. EXCHANGE: RST report plus a progressive 3-digit serial number starting at 001/the year the op started using a bug Example: 579001/61 V. Scoring QSO POINTS: Each complete QSO is worth 1 point. Each station may only appear once in the log. TOTAL SCORE: Sum of all QSO points. VI. Awards Each participant receives a personal certificate as download. The download link will be announced in due time. VII. LOG-Submission LOG INFORMATION: UTC, call, exchange sent/received, points, bug details (serial number and year if available). ELECTRONIC LOG: We accept common log formats as TXT files and Cabrillo MANAGER: Volker Enderlein, DJ9BM, Gottfried-Keller-Str. 7a, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany, DEADLINE: The mgr must receive your log no later than 04 November.