AGCW-DL Bug and Cootie Activity =============================== Goal ---- To promote the use of semi-automatic bugs and side swipers (cooties) in a relaxing manner, far away from contests and pile-ups. A secondary goal is to foster a culture of respect for the IARU band plan. Entrants -------- All radio amateurs being able to use a mechanical Bug or a side swiper. QSO Format ---------- Free format, i.e. normal contacts with a duration of 5 Minutes at least. Entrants must use a mechanical bug or a side swiper over the entire qso. The qso partner may use any method to generate CW. Times/Dates ----------- No time limits. Get on air whenever you wish. 1st round: January through June. 2nd round: July through December. Frequencies ----------- All ten kHz segments at the high frequency end of the CW bands from 10m to 80m including WARC bands but excluding 60m (The IARU band plan for 60m does not allocate particular frequencies to CW, and it discourages rag-chewing). Please avoid traditional bug and cootie skeds and frequencies in order not to disturb well-established returning events. Likewise, refrain from using "directed" calls such as "CQ BUG" because inclusion is always better than exclusion. We recommend a calling frequency of 5 kHz below the top end of each CW band. e.g. 7035 kHz or 14065 kHz. CQ calls on these frequencies should be done using mechanical bugs or cooties in order to preserve the "swing" or cootie sound. Apart from these calling frequencies electronic CQ loops are encouraged. This should avoid operator fatigue before a QSO has even begun. Scoring ------- Divide your QSO in blocks of 5 minutes. Each completed block is worth one point. A QSO of half an hour is worth 6 points because it contains 6 entire five minute blocks. A QSO of 4 minutes scores zero points. Outstanding operators will receive an award after each round. Logs ---- Send the log of the previous month before the 8th of the current month. Implicit declaration -------------------- The submission of a log implies the statement that the entrant used a side swiper or a mechanical bug for all listed contacts. Manager ------- Lothar Grahle, DL1DXL, August-Bebel-Str. 15, 01468 Moritzburg. Email: AGCW will publish the monthly standings on and on the air (3563 kHz) on Mondays at 1800 UT.